If you search for inspiration, if you search for new things and interesting articles where do you go? Well there is such place in the Net. Well there are many such places but there is one special place. It’s called designshack.net
Designshack is not exactly a shack, though it may have some similarities. It contains a load of various things connected with web design. It is a well designed site with lots of useful and interesting stuff. It is a community and an online platform with a rich history and many amazing materials. Designshack shows interesting and unique web designs, great tutorials and many resources that you may find useful and inspiring. It is quite obvious that if you connect most of the sites around the world you will have an overwhelming amount of materials. The designshack does an amazing thing filtering and adjusting the content so you actually don’t have to care about the filtering. Your work is only to admire and be inspired.
Designshack contains a great deal of interesting articles ranging from areas of business, graphics, HTML, JavaScript to layouts navigation software or even typography. What I liked the most is the Critique section where authors conduct quite interesting and unbiased review of themes and web designs. What is more, the comments on articles and the overall outlook of designshack provides that it is a truly professional site.
But beside this great amount of articles worth looking at designshack enables you to view through a great amount of web designs, branding and interfaces. You can also browse the content of the gallery by colour which is a facilitating feature considering you are seeking for a particular colour of inspiration. The sites contained in the gallery are with little description but that does not prevent from viewing because it is destined for viewing. Beside web designs, which by the way may draw you into long hours of viewing, you can visit the Interface tab. This will take another couple of hours of your time but in a positive meaning of course. You can find there plenty of interesting ideas and solutions on web design. You may find such things as menus, buttons, app templates, sliders and many, many more. And of course there is also branding section where you may see through some logo patterns and interesting designs. In simple words, there are a lots of things to view.
The final part is yet to come. What do you have to do to become a member of designshack community and what benefits are connected with it? First of all, you will be able to submit your work to the community, and it this way you will be able to show your work to literally thousands of professionals. You will be able to rate and save your favourite designs and organise them into collections. Besides, as a member of designshack community you will receive a weekly newsletter and update and access to new features earlier than others.
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